Amanda H. Wendy T. Ralph P. Wadelmo G. Elizabeth K.
Susan Y. Ed K. Mark G. Timothy F. Thomas A. Ronald P.
If you Love Us, Refer a Friend and Earn up to $125* for each referral! Earn an Initial $25 Cash Reward! As the referring member you’ll receive a cash reward…
We don’t normally like to tell you how to spend your money. Our members tend to be very good at that, often finding creative ways to turn the hours they’ve…
Save Money. Win Money. Build your savings and have a chance to WIN!WINcentive™ Savings is a new prize-linked savings account at St. Paul Federal Credit Union. WINcentive™ Savings offers prize…
Take a vacation from your loan payments! Skip a month’s loan payment and keep the cash! With St. Paul Federal, you can skip up to two payments a year on…
They’re here!—our all new eBanking and mBanking services. Thanks again to all of you who took the time to complete our website survey last fall. We’ve been working hard to…
Take a Pic, Deposit a Check with eDeposit! Deposit checks from anywhere with St. Paul Federal Credit Union’s eDeposit service. It’s as easy as taking a picture with your Apple®…